What potential benefits does an engine owner gain by doing emissions testing?
Reduced emissions
Increased engine life
Reduced Fuel consumption
Validation that engines are operating as expected
Why do I need to implement an emissions testing program?
Revealiency has conducted thousands of emissions tests throughout the world and has consistently identified engines operating significantly that where the model operated when it was approved by the EPA. This results in elevated fuel consumption and pollution output. This performance gap has existed on engines maintained by OEM and company mechanics. The Company provides science-based tools to help maintenance professional monitor and improve engine performance.
What repairs to need to be made?
This is by far the number one question that we are asked, and the answer varies significantly. Without first conducting an emissions test, we cannot determine if there is a problem, and if there is a problem, what the recommended corrective action may be. We are typically able to identify systemic issues that are common through the entire site, which we work to correct first and then look to correct individual unit issues.
How long will this take?
Autonomous emissions sampling requires no manual intervention because data is transmitted directly to our Emissions-Based Maintenance software. Manual emissions tests need the engine to be operated outside a production setting where an emissions sample can be taken. Regardless of the emissions sampling technique, corrective actions, if any, are emailed to a point person to schedule with other routine maintenance procedures.
Do I need to keep conducting emissions tests?
We recommend ongoing emissions testing because component failures occur routinely and are not detected by engine fault codes. We have identified issued that have negatively impacted fleets that were caused by other external factors that were not identified except by emissions testing.
Does it matter how old an engine is?
No, Revealiency has conducted emissions test on factory new engines and engines at the end of their OEM recommended life and identified corrective actions that could be taken to perform engine performance. In fact, we have tested engines that the engine OEM recommended rebuilding that was running better than other engines.
Won’t the OEM-specific fault codes catch the same problems?
No, the Company has conducted thousands of emissions tests and identified sub-optimal engine performance where engine fault codes were not triggered.
Do recommended corrective actions affect an engine’s EPA approval?
No, recommendations are meant to bring the engine to the same level of emissions where the engine was originally approved by the EPA.
Is Revealiency selling a fuel additive?
No, we do not support or disqualify fuel additives, however, we can help validate their effectiveness in the field. Certain fuel additives can be very useful in specific applications. We have helped customers test a variety of additives and have not found any that increases fuel economy or has had a major impact on emissions.